Featured Speaker: Dr Nikki Starr
About Dr Nikki Starr
Dr Nikki Starr is a Multidimensional Activator, former Medical Doctor, Creator of The New Earth Academy, and host of The Dr Nikki Starr Show, a podcast on spiritual awakening, love & relationships and “whole-istic” health. As a spiritual mentor and shamanic healer she empowers you to reclaim your power to create ANY life you desire in love, life & business. As an intuitive guide she sees your highest timeline and potential, supporting you in realizing it with even more ease, grace and pleasure. For more, follow her on Instagram @drnikkistarr or visit her website drnikkistarr.com
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Nikki Starr's Gift

About Dr Nikki Starr
Dr Nikki Starr is a Multidimensional Activator, former Medical Doctor, Creator of The New Earth Academy, and host of The Dr Nikki Starr Show, a podcast on spiritual awakening, love & relationships and “whole-istic” health. As a spiritual mentor and shamanic healer she empowers you to reclaim your power to create ANY life you desire in love, life & business. As an intuitive guide she sees your highest timeline and potential, supporting you in realizing it with even more ease, grace and pleasure. For more, follow her on Instagram @drnikkistarr or visit her website drnikkistarr.com
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